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Dental implants are metal fixtures, usually made of titanium, inserted into the maxilla and mandibular bones in a manner similar to the natural position of tooth roots.

Therefore, this procedure allows replacing the teeth absent by replacing their roots.

This is an excellent restorative treatment that, without a doubt, has revolutionized the Dentistry in recent decades.

Thanks to it, the range of possibilities for restoring the missing teeth.

The implantology technique In addition to a thorough procedure and the use of high-quality implants and prosthetic connections, it also requires an individual prior examination for each patient.

The most common protocol when placing dental implants It consists of carrying out the treatment in two phases:

  • Place the titanium fixings (what are actually “implants”).
  • Place the ceramic crowns on these fixtures.

Approximately two months are expected between one phase and the next.

In some cases, however, and as long as conditions permit, it is possible to place implant-supported crowns immediately.

Nowadays, there is a wide range of dental implants, some of which have been designed for specific cases, such as small diameter dental implants (when the bone bed is particularly narrow) or especially short lengths (when the bone limitation is related to height). These are good options that allow for the easy restoration of teeth that, until recently, were difficult to treat.

Also, when it is not possible to use either one or the other, generally due to limitations bone anatomy, there are bone regeneration techniques that make it very difficult today for someone not to be able to access this solution that Dentistry offers us.

In our dental clinic we use various types of implants, all of them high-end, which will satisfy your treatment expectations.

Related treatments

Replacing a single missing tooth with a titanium implant. Recover the function and aesthetics of your smile with a natural result.

Replacing multiple missing teeth with an implant-supported bridge. Restore the functionality and appearance of your smile.

Dental implant placement in a single visit, allowing for a quick recovery and functionality. Get your smile back in less time.

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